Needlepoint Gift Guide 2019

With November officially behind us, I thought I would take a moment to share my Needlepoint Christmas Wish list! I've tried to include items that I'm asking for but also items that I think others would like. If you like my style and taste, or know someone that does, I'm sure you'll love these.
Hopefully this gives you some good ideas for gifts for avid needlepointers – or maybe even gifts for yourself. I've done my best to try to break these up into categories to help you shop!
One last little note - if you are asking a non-needlepointer for needlepoint related gifts, make sure they understand how to order! If you are a non-needlepointer reading this and are unsure of how to item any order mentioned here, feel free to send me an email and I'd be happy to help! Sometimes, you may need to call a local needlepoint store to order an item. Some items you can buy online. It can be a bit confusing for someone new to the needlepoint world!
Some of these links are affiliate links, which means that if you click and/or purchase I get a small commission (and it doesn’t cost you anything or change the way you purchase). I appreciate you using my links to help me continue to design and produce blog posts!

Here are just a few of the canvases that are on my wishlist. If you’re looking for more inspiration, I have a Pinterest board that I update weekly with canvases that I love. You can click directly on the photo or the link above to shop. If you like the style of these canvases, I suggest checking out my canvases as well!

This next category includes great accessories for those whose stitch. These gifts would be great to give along with a canvas!
Needlepoint Travel Tube by Pip and Roo (comes in other colors)

Jean Jacket (to stitch their canvas into the back)
LL Bean Boat & Tote (great for traveling with needlepoint - but get the zippered version!)

Gift Card to their Local Needlepoint Store (LNS)
Call and pay for their finishing bill
Pick out a Vintage Canvas from eBay that reminds you of them
Buy a class on a new technique at their LNS
Surprise them with a new type of thread
Buy them a subscription to a monthly needlepoint club
I hope some of these gift ideas were helpful and inspires you to shop! If you're an avid needlepointer and have received any needlepoint gifts for Christmas that you LOVE, I would so appreciate it if you would leave more suggestions in the comments below so others can shop there for more ideas!
Feel free to save the below image to Pinterest so you can always refer back to this post!

Comments on this post (4)
I am loving everything in this gift guid. Thanks for posting this.
— Nikki
I’m going to take away all my husband’s Christmas gifting stress and do some shopping for him! I love this list!
— Vicki Henry
Slyly forwarding this on to my husband. 😂 😍 Great list! I’ll take one of each.
— Jane Clifford | Typically Jane
A floor stand. I’ve always done canvases in my hand but I was gifted a lovely floor frame and it is wonderful for any canvas larger than a clutch! The canvas stays so
much straighter. And being able to work with both hands makes it go much faster. ( I’m not a frame snob!- I still do canvases in hand !)
— Laura Kaiser