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Introducing Charts for Charity!

Introducing Charts for Charity!

I'm so excited to be announcing our Charts for Charity initiative! You may have seen a few launch on Instagram over the last few days, so I wanted to give a little insight into what specifically this campaign is for and link all of the artists charts in one place! We also recommend following the #ChartsForCharity hashtag on Instagram to be informed when new ones launch. 

What is Charts for Charity?

  • A few weeks ago, a few artists got together over Instagram DM and threw out the idea of launching a winter themed chart for a lower price point with all of the money going to a charity of the artist's choice. (I believe Jenny Henry was the first to throw out the idea, but correct me if I'm wrong!) We loved the idea so we all started to design our own winter themed needlepoint charts. 
  • Over the next few days, you'll see different charts launch on Instagram from all different artists. We also encourage other artists to join in (and even stitchers!) to sell charted designs for charity. 

Why did you decide to use charts?

  • There's a few advantages to using charts that we wanted to share: 
  • It provides a needlepoint design to customers at a lower price point
  • It's a quick way for us to get a design out to you (& more sustainable than shipping and packaging)
  • Charted designs are popular in other parts of the world (and very popular for cross-stitch) so we wanted to bring some awareness to charted designs in hopes that they may stick around in the U.S.! 

What charity did you pick?

  • The charity we chose is Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating (CRAB). CRAB is located in Annapolis and their mission is to provide sailing opportunities for people with disabilities, at-risk youth, and recovering warriors. More information can be found on their website:
  • 100% of the sales from our chart will be going directly to CRAB. 
  • I've been able to see some of their sailboats and the instructors over the years. I truly think it's an amazing organization and I love their mission. 

What is your chart of? What is included?

  • Our chart is live on our website! You can click here to be taken to it. 
  • We have decided to launch 2 charts, both of a sailboat. One sailboat has Christmas lights hung on the sail and the other sailboat has a shadow on the sail. 
  • We are releasing our charts via a digital download. After checkout, you will receive an email with a PDF of our charts. Nothing physical will be mailed. 
  • We kindly ask that you do not share this chart with others - instead please encourage friends to purchase their own so we can raise as much money as possible for CRAB! As always, our designs, including charts, are protected by copyright. 


Where do I get supplies?

  • The main supplies you need are blank needlepoint canvas and fibers! Most LNS will sell blank canvas, so we recommend supporting them if possible. 
  • I also love these little additions that you can stitch on: christmas lights, a wreath, and even this garland. You can also explore Etsy, Amazon, and Hobby Lobby for more ideas. 


How do I stitch from a chart?

  • On our chart, each block/box stands for one canvas intersection. You can count the number of blocks on the chart and then stitch that same number of intersections in the layout that is provided on the chart.
  • It's a bit tricky to explain so for a visual, head to our IGTV where we talk you through it. 
  • Side note: if you print the char out, it will not be to scale. 
  • Feel free to email us at with any questions!

Artists who are participating: 

Other artists participating (I will update this as the designers release their charts!)
  • Emily Peacock
  • Emma Homent
  • Hedgehog Needlepoint
  • Thorn Alexander
  • Tricia Heaton
  • Ramsay Gourd
  • Jessica Tongel Designs
  • If you're an artist or a stitcher who wants to participate - feel free to join in!

Lastly, if charts are something that you are interested and would buy - please let me know! It's something that we could offer on our website regularly if there's enough interest. 

Thank you for helping us support all of these amazing charities this winter!

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